Friday, June 14, 2013

Should Working Moms Be Blamed?

Traveling down memory lane,
Deep into the heart of history
Of a giant nation in the west.
Flipping through tons of records
To feed on any that flags out.

One of such is the
Worst economic condition
Ever experienced, in the giant nation in question.
Depression took turn from Recession
Many lost their jobs, their cars
And some had to deal with home foreclosures.

Of all the gist of the time,
The part that rang a bell
Was how home makers
Who were meant to focus
On reproduction and proper children up bringing
Had to start hustling for jobs
Their husbands to support.
With all their hearts,
They combined home making and Career
And it greatly contributed to the economic restoration.

Having seen this economic resuscitation,
The authority of the said nation
Expected home makers to return
To home making, and leave the work force to men, their spouses
But at that time, it was too late.
Women had already made their way
Deep into the heart of the labor market
And had turned their backs on
What was solely expected of them.
Hence, the question
What will happen to reproduction, proper child upbringing, and home making?
"The home" will be at stake
Uttered some men.

Now, those concerns seem to have become a reality.                 
Today's modern women are made to chose:                                                                
 Home and career, which one should come first?                                                              
School dropout is now on the increase,                                                                              
Young stars now give in to drugs and addiction
 Rather than education                                                                                                 
And I hear someone blame it on working moms                                                        
How justifiable is this accusation?


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